
It is said when you meet God four questions will be asked of you:  

1.  Did you carry out your business affairs honestly?  It is not how you act towards God but how what you learned about God influences how you act towards other people.

2.  Did you set aside time to study Torah?

3.  Did you try to create a family? And if so, were you most concerned with the kindness of your children over academics, athletics or looks.

4.  Did you hope for the worlds redemption?  What did you do to make the world a better place?


Exodus 33:19  God shares with us His essence: Goodness.  Goodness is an act not an emotion.  In order to be good a person must do good.  Is something good because God says it is good or does God say it is good because it is good.  Is murder wrong because God says murder is wrong or is murder wrong because it is wrong.  


"The believer in God has to account for the existence of unjust suffering and evil; the atheist, however, has to account for the existence of everything else."  Milton Steinberg